Cheap Flight Tickets from Tanjung Pandan and Airport Information

Cheap tickets and flight information Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)

Want to fly to Buluh Tumbang Airport Tanjung Pandan, Indonesia? Find travel advisor and cheap flights tickets to this city and other relevant information. You can search for cheap tickets to Tanjung Pandan for all major Asian low-cost airlines and easily compare ticket prices on this for different dates. You can also look for destinations to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ), and find information about the departure tax payable at the airport.

Tanjung Pandan Buluh Tumbang Airport information (TJQ)

Buluh Tumbang Airport or H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport (TJQ) is an airport in Tanjung Pandan, Bangka-Belitung, Indonesia. Tanjung Pandan's Bulutumbang Airport is only a 45-minute flight from Jakarta, the closest major airport to the city. Flights run from the Indonesian capital daily served by Batavia Air and Sriwijaya Air.

Cheap tickets for flights to Tanjung Pandan
Looking for a cheap flight to Tanjung Pandan? Select your flight to see ticket prices, flight schedule and lots of other information for that route

Domestic Routes
Flight route
Price start from
cheap tickets from Jakarta (CGK) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 327.000
cheap tickets from Yogyakarta (JOG) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 590.000
cheap tickets from Surabaya (SUB) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 600.000
cheap tickets from Batam (BTH) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 747.000
cheap tickets from Palembang (PLM) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 849.000
cheap tickets from Medan (MES) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 886.000
cheap tickets from Pangkal Pinang (PGK) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 991.000
cheap tickets from Semarang (SRG) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1000.000
cheap tickets from Denpasar Bali (DPS) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1004.000
cheap tickets from Pekanbaru (PKU) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1027.000
cheap tickets from Padang (PDG) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1088.000
cheap tickets from Pontianak (PNK) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1130.000
cheap tickets from Tarakan (TRK) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1158.000
cheap tickets from Solo (SOC) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1170.000
cheap tickets from Makassar (UPG) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1258.000
cheap tickets from Jambi (DJB) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1310.000
cheap tickets from Balikpapan (BPN) to Tanjung Pandan (TJQ)
Rp. 1328.000

Transport to and from Tanjung Pandan to the airport

The airport is located 15 km east of the city Tanjungpandan on the island of Belitung, just of the eastern coast of Sumatra. A taxi to the city would cost around Rp. 80,000 but you can also take the Angkutan Kota bus which will get you in the city for Rp. 12,000.

Departure tax at Tanjung Pandan airport

When flying within Indonesia the airport tax is not included in the ticket price. Instead everyone must pay a departure tax at the airport that may vary from airport to airport. In general, expect a departure tax at Tanjung Pandan between Rp. 10,000 and Rp. 25,000.
Make sure you have this amount in Rupiahs as the departure tax must be paid at the airport before you proceed to the departures area.

Airlines flying to or from Tanjung Pandan

flight tickets Batavia Air, flight tickets Sriwijaya Air.

Alternative routes for Tanjung Pandan

Tanjung Pandan is located in South Sumatra. There are more airports in South Sumatra, you can contact a local travel advisor first or try to search online travel for flights to these airports as well and take a bus or train to get to your destination:
  • Cheap flights to Bengkulu
  • Cheap flights to Jambi
  • Cheap flights to Padang
  • Cheap flights to Palembang
  • Cheap flights to Pangkal Pinang
  • Cheap flights to Bandar Lampung